This month our ESL department came together to explore the possibilities that iPad can provide. As a CODE member I was thrilled about the opportunity to share with other teachers. I presented a variety of apps that can help English language learners with vovabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and fluency, writing and speaking. We also looked at Class Dojo as a classroom management tool. All the participants were able to have hands-on experience and walked away with the list of digital tools that can be used in the instruction for English language learners. You can find detailed list on this website under "apps" category. 
November 14-16 all the CODE members had an opportunity to attand HECC (Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators) Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a wonderful chance for us to learn about new digital tools,innovations in technology, and new ways of delivering instructions. The most valuable experience for me was the opportunity for collaboration with educators across the state of Indiana. As the result, an Indiana Statewide Collaboration group was born to unite Indiana teachers in their effort to transition from books to digital curriculum. The My Big Campus was great and made it simple and easy for me to nevigate. I am looking forward to using it as a tool to create and share resources as well as collaboration.

School is in!!! And as always the first week is crazy! But somehow our ESL team was able to get together, break out our brand new iPads and get them going. We had such a productive afternoon, sharing an abundance of educational apps that can beused with our elementary English language learners. It's amazing how many wonderful resources are out there.
  We are looking forward to getting together next month to discover together everything that My Big Campus has to offer.


    I am an ESL teacher in middle and elementary school setting. I love to see my students blossom, learn and discover something new every day.


    November 2012
    August 2012

